Reactivity Group Walks

Reactivity Group Walks



This year-round, drop-in* Group Walk is focused on providing “real-life” opportunities to address On-Leash Reactive behaviors at off-site locations away from the shelter with the support of an instructor! $75 fee is for a 5-class punch card that you can use at any time, and there is no expiration date. You can also purchase a 10-class punch card for $100 with no expiration date. *Specific dates of the class will be determined & communicated regularly to punch-card holders via email!


Golden Ponds Park and Nature Area
2651 3rd Avenue
Longmont  Colorado  80503

United States


Must have previously completed an On-Leash Reactivity course (or Basic Obedience course) here at LHS, or have completed a one-on-one private session at LHS to learn introductory skills relevant to this group walk!

Additional Notes:

For questions, please contact


Approx. 1x Monthly


Kelly Renner

Additional information


5 punches, 10 punches