Memorials & Tributes

Honor your loved one, friend or pet with a contribution to the Longmont Humane Society. Memorial and tribute donations are wonderful ways to recognize others, while also helping the thousands of animals sheltered by us each year. You can permanently recognize your family, pet, or loved one through a memorial tile – a great way to say you care to the thousands of community members who visit LHS every year.

Make a memorial or tribute contribution by using our online donation form here or send gifts by mail to:
Longmont Humane Society
9595 Nelson Road
Longmont, CO 80501

Along with the name of the individual or pet honoree, please include contact information of the next of kin to notify of your donation, including their name and address.

A memorial or tribute gift can be used to create a tile in honor of a beloved pet, friend or family member. The tile will be displayed in the shelter and contribute to the care of thousands of homeless animals for decades to come.

Memorial/Tribute Tile Options

8″x10″ Picture Tile

For a gift of $500, you can select a large ceramic tile with the photo and text of your choice.

8″x6″ Picture Tile

With a gift of $350, you can select a small ceramic tile with the photo and text of your choice.

4″x 4″ Pawprint Tile

With a gift of $250, you can choose a pawprint tile with text.

A memorial or tribute tile is a great way to recognize a beloved pet or family member while benefiting the homeless animals at Longmont Humane Society. Your tile will help us accomplish our mission for decades to come. Please fill out this form to place your tile order.

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Purchaser Name
Multiple Items
Is this a Memorial or Tribute?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Payment Method

If you prefer, you can also download the Tile Purchase Order Form and mail or drop it off at Longmont Humane Society, 9595 Nelson Rd, Longmont, CO 80501.

For more information please contact Deputy Director, Cliff Cullen, at