Boz’s Place Retail

We carry a variety of pet supplies including:

It is a one-stop shop for you and your current or new pet! Please stop by – new items added all the time.

Hours of operation:
Monday – Thursday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Prices are comparable to other pet supply retailers, and you can feel good knowing you are helping a good cause—the lost and homeless animals at Longmont Humane Society. For more information, call 303.772.1232 x 290.

You can also help the animals here at LHS live a little more comfortably during their stay with us by donating either a piece of Feline Snoozers cat furniture or a Kuranda dog bed.

These companies offer great solutions for your pets at home and donation programs for animal shelters.

Check our wish list for other ideas to help us care for the animals in the shelter. Supplies needed such as 6-foot leashes, collars, treats, bowls and toys are available in our pet supply store. If you purchase the items from us it is a win-win for the animals. Proceeds from the pet supply store support the animals in our care.