10 Great Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Companion

10 Great Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Companion

Adopting a dog or cat from a shelter can bring numerous benefits, not only for the pet but also for the adopter and the community. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. You’re saving more than one life: By adopting from a shelter, you give a homeless animal a chance at a better life. You also help reduce euthanasia rates and make space for other animals in need. Longmont Humane Society does NOT euthanize for space concerns. However, we do transfer in animals from other shelters that DO, so when space is available, we can save lives by bringing animals here that other shelters cannot accommodate.
  2. Promoting responsible pet ownership: Most shelters, including Longmont Humane Society (LHS), ensure that the animals are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped before adoption, promoting responsible pet ownership and helping to control the pet population.
  3. Healthier pets: Shelter animals undergo health screenings and evaluations, so you’ll have a better idea of the pet’s health and temperament before bringing them home. At LHS all companions are thoroughly examined by our veterinary staff and receive any needed surgery or healthcare prior to adoption.
  4. Cost-effective: Adoption fees from shelters are generally much lower than purchasing a pet from a breeder or pet store. At LHS most companions are available for adoption fees ranging from $25 – $200, depending on age and breed.
  5. Wide selection: Shelters have animals of all ages, breeds, and sizes, giving you a diverse selection to find a pet that matches your lifestyle and preferences. A little patience may be required to wait for just the right companion to fit your family, but they are very worth the wait! Over 2,500 animals are adopted from LHS every year – we are bound to have you’ll love.
  6. Support and guidance: Reputable shelters often provide resources and advice to adopters, helping them make a smooth transition into pet ownership. At LHS we offer as much post-adoption behavioral support as your family and new companion need to ensure that everyone adapts to their new home life with the least amount of stress. We also offer discounted dog training classes to those who adopt.
  7. Behavior assessment: Many shelters assess the behavioral traits of their animals, which can help match you with a pet that fits your family dynamics and lifestyle. At LHS we are expert matchmakers. Our top-notch training team evaluates every animal that comes through our doors. Dogs are assessed for the age of children they seem appropriate to live with, whether they are good with other dogs of different sizes – and cats, personality traits such as active, cuddly, playful, etc., and many other criteria. By the time they are listed as available for adoption, we know a great deal about the best situation for each companion animal.
  8. Gratitude, loyalty and unconditional love: If you’ve ever watched pets leaving the shelter on their “gotcha day,” you’ve seen how incredibly joyous that moment can be. It’s a happiness that a companion continues to show every day in tail-wags, kisses and purrs. Pets are grateful for the simplest things, such as a walk in the park or a little cuddle time on the couch. And they can inspire us to be grateful, too. Some people worry about connecting with a rescued companion, but shelter pets have so much love to give—and they won’t ever stop giving it to you once you let them into your heart!
  9. Positive impact on mental health: Studies have shown that owning a pet can reduce stress, anxiety, and loneliness. The companionship and unconditional love provided by shelter pets can be beneficial for everyone. Life is full of stresses, but your rescue companion is always there to listen. They won’t ever judge you or let you down. Taking some time to destress with your furry friends can help you unwind and keep you at peace.
  10. Building stronger communities: By adopting from a shelter, you contribute to supporting animal welfare efforts and the rescue community. When you adopt a pet from our shelter, you assist a not-for-profit organization, but also send a message to others who will be asking you for years to come where you obtained your adorable pet – and you will inspire others to adopt. Shelters improve the community by requiring that adopted animals be spayed or neutered. This condition diminishes the chances that more unwanted animals will enter the world.

Overall, adopting a pet from a shelter is a rewarding experience that not only transforms the life of an animal in need but also brings joy and fulfillment to your life. It’s a decision that can lead to a loving and lasting bond. They’ll love you just as you are because to them you’re a hero.